建設主要內容:項目50畝,建設大型儲煤倉、篩分破碎車間、大型洗選煤廠、配煤站、辦公樓、生活樓等。工藝技術:篩選、洗選。主要設備:翻板卸車機、大型洗選設備等配套設施。 建設起止年限:2016年10月 至 2017年07月 總 投 資:15000萬元 ,其中: 企業(yè)自籌9000萬元, 國內6000萬元, 其它資金0萬元。
*project name: parking lot project, construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 30265.67 square meters, a total construction area of 53487.07 square meters, the design of parking spaces 919, five floors on the ground, the reinforced concrete frame structure. main equipment including four straight ladder elevator, air source energy-sing central air conditioning host, tap water pipe pump, etc.
瑞鼎集團 rdqh01007sx
*project name: processing 5000 tons of chinese traditional medicine project. the project content: the total investment of 163.1 million yuan, covers an area of 60 mu, processing 5000 tons of chinese herbal medicine; main construction office premises, staff dormitory building, storage facilities, processing workshop, production workshop, dry, cold storage, fresh, modern seedling base, etc.; main equipment: automatic steam pot, cutting machine, dw belt type conveyor drying equipment, automatic washing machine, oven drying equipment, vibrating separator, fan, medicinal impurity separator, fully automatic machine slices.
建設主要內容:該項目9900平方米,擬建設年產50萬噸干混砂漿生產線;工藝流程:外購原材料—上料—制砂—上料—主機攪拌—成品—運輸。主要設備:鏟車、細碎機、篩分機、干混砂漿拌合機等。 建設起止年限:2016年09月 至 2017年09月 總 投 資:2000萬元 ,其中: 企業(yè)自籌2000萬元, 國內0萬元, 其它資金0萬元。