建設主要內容:建設規模:總建筑謬約40000平方米,其中新建廠房20000平方米、綜合樓10000平方米、倉庫10000平方米;工藝技術:、提氫鈉、無水提鈉、---等16種產品:原材料—溶解—結晶—分離—烘干—過篩—內包—外包—入庫;工藝技術甘油、、---等5種產品:原材料—蒸餾—分裝—入庫;主要設備:搪瓷溶解罐、結晶罐、蒸餾罐、蒸餾塔、過濾器、離心機、運動混合機、雙棕轉真空干燥機、粉碎機等。 建設起止年限:2016年10月 至 2018年10月 總 投 資:51000萬元 ,其中: 企業自籌51000萬元, 國內0萬元, 其它資金0萬元。
建設主要內容:新建城市功能綜合服務區,區內含有充電樁與小型加油站銷售符合v汽油,---sf&s雙層油罐,新型裝置卸油、加油、安裝油氣回收裝置,1500㎡。在休閑區建設電子閱報亭、led信息發布臺、火車、飛機電子處、自助atm機、水電氣自助繳費機、便利店、公共衛生間。 建設起止年限:2016年11月 至 2017年04月 總 投 資:2400萬元 ,其中: 企業自籌720萬元, 國內1680萬元, 其它資金0萬元。
*project name: annual output of 5000 tons of feed grade animal oil extraction project. the construction of the main content: the total land area of 6000 ㎡, net covers an area of 5000 ㎡, with a total construction area of 4000 ㎡. in the area of the earth, the office building area of 2500 ㎡, plant construction area of 2000 ㎡. technology: outsourcing practice - animals subcutaneous fat - cutting - crude product, semi-finished products, precipitation, finished products. diesel - filter - bread sales. major equipment: all packaged oil refining pot f - 1, finished product storage tank, pressure slag machine, biomass boilers.
瑞鼎集團 rdqh01007sx
*project name: annual output of 20000 tons of steel materials production line project. construction main content: the project needs comprehensive service building new production workshop, warehouse, such as a total construction area of 2000 square meters, need to buy crushing equipment, packaging equipment, mixing equipment, etc. technological process: raw materials purchasing, crushing, mixing, packing. the year after the completion of the project to produce drainage metallurgical auxiliary materials such as sand, slag agent 20000 tons.